This is the second part in a 4-part series on creating a stronger family, from Randall Wright’s Education Week class at BYU–August 2008. A few of these tips are focused more on older children (teen/pre-teen) but I can testify that it is much smarter to start thinking about these things earlier rather than later. The…
Thankful Turkeys – a Thanksgiving Craft
The other night, we made Thankful count-down-to-Thanksgiving Turkeys. We had so much fun making them! I love how each turkey started out completely unique, but then everyone started noticing the cool ideas from other family members, and added clothes or other features. We made enough feathers for each turkey (it was supposed to be…
Divided by five
I don’t know why, but I felt like writing this morning, and I grabbed a pen and notebook and wrote this down. As a mother of five kids, I am a rarity nowadays, and I admit I can be somewhat of a spectacle. It used to be that whenever I left the house with all…
20 Essential Ideas to Help Create a Better Family–Part 1 of 4
When I came back from Education Week in August, many of my friends asked me to share some things that I’d learned in all of the classes that I attended. Well, school started the week that I got back, life took over, and I never shared any of the great insights that I gathered. Last…
Emergencies, recalled
As I was driving to the doctor’s office this morning, I was thinking about the WEEK that we’ve had at our house. It started last Monday with Reese’s 2nd degree burn, then progressed to Twizzler’s strep on Wednesday, Reese’s strep and ear infection on Thursday, my Cough (with a capital C) over the weekend, and…
Halloween, Part 2
I spent 3 hours at the elementary school yesterday helping out with Halloween parties and the Big Parade. AJ decided to be a giraffe for the school festivities and Reese changed back into the witch. AJ the Giraffe was popular with the elementary school kids. He LOVED being able to eat the best snacks from…
The annual Pumpkin Patch field trip!
Today was the kindergarten’s annual field trip to the Pumpkin Patch! I was looking forward to going with Reese, and Reese…..well, she was just giddy with excitement. No day at our house would be complete without a little bit of excitement….so of course, someone HAD to get sick. On Tuesday night at 8:00, all of…
Christmas pageants, anyone??
I just found out tonight that I am in charge of putting together a relatively small/basic children’s Nativity for our Church Christmas dinner/party. So I thought I’d turn to my great blog readers (especially those of you who never comment!) and ask for help. Have you done or seen something in the past that worked…
That’s what’s going through my head tonight. I’m done. I’m done with the Primary Sacrament Meeting presentation (the kids did an AMAZING job–everything was perfect!–we even ended on time!). I’m done with today’s Sharing Time….which is my last for a while. For those of you who haven’t heard, I was released as the Primary President….
Family pictures!!
My sister, Andrea, met us on Monday for 2008’s family pictures (we get one done every Fall, even if it means setting up the camera on a tripod and running!). Thankfully, my sister has been around the last 3 years and we haven’t had to worry about the beep-beep-beep timer. :) Andrea is a fabulous…