Hey everyone! I have lots to add to my blog in the next few days, but first I am trying to fix all of these blog issues that I’m having (that just seem to keep getting worse!). Thanks for being patient and continuing to visit me even though my site is getting wonkier by the…
Cell Phone Envy
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boost Mobile. All opinions are 100% mine. I’ll admit it: I have cell phone envy. In the last month, I have been the owner of 4 different cell phones. FOUR. I started the month out with the Blackberry Flip that I’ve had for quite…
Yesterday, I noticed that my lower back was killing me. The kind of back pain that elicits a scream every time I bend forward. (I’ve been doing a lots of knee-bending the last two days). I noticed the pain while I was at a BBQ/pool party, and figured it was from carrying AJ around the…
Chic Click Carnival
I said I wasn’t going to blog today (it’s a busy day with a trip to visit some old friends after church) but I found myself with some extra time this morning, so I figured I’d link up to this week’s Chic Click Carnival. Some introductions: I am Lolli, mother of 5 kids, ages 13…
Raining Fireworks
We thought we had picked the perfect spot for viewing the fireworks last night. Just outside of the fairgrounds, on a nice patch of grass, with an easy enough escape route to get back home once the crowds dispersed. In fact, once the fireworks started, we were convinced that it was, indeed, a perfect spot….
My Baby
My baby is five today, but I fear that I will always see him like this: He will always be my baby. My little boy. My pal. And he’s growing up like the rest of them.I suppose he’s finally grown out of the mei tai baby carrier that I still keep under his seat in…
Old Cartoons {Guest Post}
My friend, Safire, is back with another guest post this afternoon. And guess what? She has tons of giveaways happening on her brand new blog, Water Falling Up, this week, including a giveaway coming later today for an Ergo baby carrier. I almost wish I had another baby just so that I could win it….
Picture Me In Branson
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hiltons of Branson. All opinions are 100% mine. With all of the guest posts popping up around here this week, I bet you thought I was on vacation, didn’t you? I wish I could say that I was cruising around the ocean or relaxing…
There’s Something About a New Purse
…..especially one that you pick out because you really like it and then find out at the register that it is on clearance sale for $4.90. Yes, $4.90. It was 90% off. Happy Mother’s Day to me! Linked to Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom
Ultimate Blog Party – Ready to Party!
The Ultimate Blog Party is a yearly event put on by the fabulous ladies at 5 Minutes For Mom and it’s all about meeting people and getting your blog noticed. Since I just recently re-wrote my About Me page, I am going to point you all there, and leave you with a short and sweet…